Monday, December 5, 2016

Aircraft Flight School

Proposed Microlight And Autogyros Aircraft Flight School -
Jurien Bay Airfield

Location: Jurien Bay Airfield Reserve 35408
Applicant: Patrick Connors
Folder Path: Business Classification Scheme/Traffic and Transport/Service Provision/Airports and Landing Facilities
Disclosure of Interest: None
Date: 13 February 2017
Signature of Author:
Senior Officer: Chief Executive Officer Signature of Senior Officer:

PROPOSAL To consider an application submitted by Patrick Connors to operate a flight training school (Microlight and Auto Gyros) out of the Jurien Bay Airfield.

BACKGROUND The applicant has provided the following background; The business model that we are proposing to the Shire is to provide the general public of all ages a modern, exciting and vibrant opportunity of learning to fly using the latest state of the art ‘sport’ microlight aircraft and auto gyros at a greatly reduced cost compared to general aviation.
Our business would provide Trial Instructional Flights (TIF) to allow ab-initio pilots the chance to take to the air and experience the wonder of flight hopefully inspiring them to take further lessons following a dedicated Civil Aviation Safety Association (CASA) syllabus by fully qualified and experienced instructors.
The business would be using aircraft manufactured by the largest and very successful microlight producer in Australia, ‘Airbourne Australia’, based in Newcastle NSW. They also import, assemble and distribute the latest high tech Italian made gyros by Magni of which we would utilize too. Along with TIF’s and flying instruction we would provide a full sales, syndicate, service and engineering back up with the support of Airbourne Australia where we would become a distributor for their aircraft.
Jeff and I have been in discussions with local businesses to make them aware of our intentions and to insure them that we hope to enhance their existing businesses, posing no threat to them. We understand the skydiving business is extremely busy and have viewed their aircraft frequency and have concluded that we can operate alongside them following standard aviation circuit protocol.
At this time, there is no one offering a similar service to what we plan, in fact there is only one other flying school operating from the aerodrome this being a relatively new business operating the much older, single engine Piper Warrior light aircraft, giving instruction towards the much more expensive category of ‘Private Pilots Licence’, not microlights or gyros.
There is in fact only one other such school providing microlight instruction and that operates out of ‘White Gum’ airfield east of York. With reference to the ‘Airsport Assist Jurien Bay Aerodrome Development Plan’ we feel that our business proposal fulfils such criteria listed within this document, hopefully promoting and increasing tourism and growth to the local area and shire. Regarding the aerodrome, we have also been in discussions to share one of the existing hangars;

However, we would be very interested in leasing one of the new ‘proposed’ hangars if and when available. Our aircraft utilize modern, lightweight designs with low engine noise of around 75 decibels, therefore we envisage minimal impact on the local environment with very little or no impact on local residents compared to other general aviation type aircraft.

Our aim, again, is to provide trial flights and deliver full training for prospective clients to obtain their unrestricted licence on these modern sport aircraft. Jeff and myself currently reside within the Perth metropolitan area, however we are prepared to relocate to the district as soon as the business enables us. Jeff and I will at all times be members of RAAS and HGFA and will have current instructor ratings as required to provide such training.
The plans are to have 2 staff members in attendance. We intend on operating weekends initially however we envisage there will be a small amount of attendance during the week. In regards to operating hours this does depend on weather conditions. We anticipate up to 5 hours per day on Saturday and Sunday and around 5 hours for the entire week. Students in attendance would be between 1 or 2 at any one time.

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That Council grant approval to Patrick Connor to operate a flight training school (Microlight and Auto Gyros) out of the Jurien Bay Airstrip Reserve 35408 subject to the following conditions and advice notes:

1. All training flights shall be conducted:
(a) between to the hours of 7.00am to 6.00pm; and
(b) by a qualified aviation trainer.

2. All flights shall execute a flight plan/path away from built up areas of Jurien Bay and surrounding Rural Residential areas, to minimise the impact of noise.

3. The following documentation shall be submitted to the local government prior to the commencement of the operations:
  •           a copy of the certificate of approval from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority to conduct flight training;
  •           a copy of a current public liability insurance policy to a minimum value of $20 million for the period of this approval.

Advice Note

1. The erection of signage promoting the flight training is subject to a separate application for planning approval. The applicant be advised that “should you be aggrieved by this decision, or any conditions imposed, there is a Right of Review under the Planning and Development Act 2005.
An application for Review must be submitted in accordance with Part XIV of the Planning and Development Act within 28 days of the date of this decision to:

The State Administrative Tribunal GPO Box U1991 PERTH WA 6845”
